5 Random Acts of Kindness

Sana Iftikhar
3 min readDec 11, 2020

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.


Unfortunately this week, I didn’t have the time to access the course early which is why when I realized today at 2 am that we had to write an article about acts of kindness done in the past 24 hours, I was at a loss.

Being the excellent problem-solver I am, I made a list of a few acts of kindness I did over the past week.

1. Bakarkhaani for Ammi:

My mother loves Bakarkhaani from the bakery and Chicken Patties are her favourites. So earlier this week, I finally mustered all my courage and made Bakarkhaani and Patties for her. It’s a time-consuming process but seeing my bakarkhaanis shine in the light made her smile with delight too.

2. Surprise for Bilal:

Bilal is a friend of ours who had complained a few days ago that he had never had a surprise on his birthday. So on December 9th just before our exam, I got together with my friends and we planned to surprise Bilal and wish him a Happy Birthday via Video Chat in the pretense of calling him back into the exam session. We sang Happy Birthday and it was way out of tune and not synchronized at all but it was a sweet surprise which I thought Bilal really appreciated.

3. Fries for Ashir:

Ashir is my younger cousin and we’re both great foodies. My birthday was later in November, and we hadn't gone out to try out a new restaurant as per our annual tradition. So when my papers finished, I treated him to Big Bash Pizza Fries and burgers, which we had been drooling over social media for a good while.

4. Pizza for Misbah:

Misbah is another younger of my cousin of mine who loves Broadway Pizza. She’s absolutely crazy about their cheese filled crusts. So tonight at her house, I ordered us a pizza of her choice and we ate it together while we watched The Umbrella Academy (a really nice show btw). It was a comforting experience as we sleepily watched The Umbrella Academy and I worried about if I would complete my assignment before the 8 am deadline.

5. Netflix for Atir:

My cousin Atir loves Ertugal and when he couldn't find more seasons of the show online, he asked me for my Netflix account. Even though I have a single screen membership, we make it work simultaneously as he watches the shows online and I download and watch mine offline. :)

Thank you for reading through my five not-very-generous acts of kindness! :)

Please feel free to leave a comment below! :D

